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A WORLD THAT WORKS: Building Blocks for a Just and Sustainable Society
edited by
Trent Schroyer

Published by The Bootstrap Press (A TOES Book).
$19.50 + $3.50 p&pkg.; 368pp. June 1997.
Read a review at Yes! Magazine.

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Animated by the proposition that an economics constrained by respect for the natural world and human dignity is possible, this volume offers a rich menu of alternative ideas and experiences that are moving us toward a more just and sustainable future. It is also setting the stage for the next TOES (The Other Economic Summit) in Denver in June 1997.

Many of these ideas and experiences will be discussed and debated there as alternatives to the official agenda being addressed by the government leaders at the Group of 7 Economic Summit occurring simultaneously.

The ideas and experiences presented in this book are grouped around several themes, such as what works to create real wealth, to democratize science and technology, to link sustainability with justice in the real world, and to build sustainable livelihoods and sustainable communities. Must reading for all who believe in and are willing to work for a better future.


Preface by Ward Morehouse | Introduction by Trent Schroyer

Part I Why Globalization Does Not Work for the Benefit of All

Chapter 1: Critiques of the G-7's Globalization Strategy

Ratcheting up the Globalization Process: Extending Free Trade & Investment

The OTHER Globalization Movement

Part II What is Real Wealth?

Chapter 2: What is Real Wealth?

Working Alternatives to Neo-Liberal Economic Integration

Models of "Enoughness" as Working Alternatives

Chapter Three: What Works for Re-Embedding the Economy

Social Protections that De-Commodify the Earth, Money, and Labor

Institutionalizing Ecological Decision Making

Can Corporations be Socially Responsible?

Part III : What is Real Sustainability?

Chapter Four : Linking Sustainability with Justice

Failures to Implement Sustainable Development

New Strategies for Sustainability with Justice

Chapter Five : Building Sustainable Communities & Sustainable Livelihoods

Are Sustainable Communities Possible in a Global Economy?

What Works to Build Sustainable Communities?

Funding Sustainable Communities & Livelihoods

Chapter Six : What Works for Democratizing Science and Technology

Part IV What is Real International Security?

Chapter Seven : What Works to Build International Security & Peace?

What are the Real Conditions for Inclusive Democracy?

Ethical Guidelines for Cultural Transformation



©2004 The Other Economic Summit
